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WHAT IS THE DURATION OF RENTAL AGREEMENTS?Our flexible month-to-month commitment provides you with the stability of an office along with the flexibility you need to grow your business.For the exception of some of our dedicated space plans, all other pricing plans only require a month to month commitment.
WHEN SHOULD I INFORM DESKER THAT I AM MOVING OUT?Members are required to give a notice of a Month, and we require it at the beginning of the month that they want to move out in. In case you are moving out at the end of July, then DESKER requires you to give the notice at the Start of July.
DO YOU CAHRGE FOR TEA/COFFEE ETC?All our Locations have Pantries that are fitted with Vending Machines to Dispense Tea, coffee & green tea. Our Locations have Paid Cafeteria services, as well as Paid Vending machines in Addition – if you buy something in these areas, they are chargeable separately and need to be settled directly.
WHAT IS THE INTERNET SPEED YOU PROVIDE?DESKER is backed by an Information Technology Services Company and we are proud to have one of the Finest Network Deployments amongst CoWorking Spaces. Our Network is designed to give you a speed of upto 1GBPS without any restrictions on data transfer. In case you require higher speeds, dedicated IP addresses or a specific provider, talk to our Community Managers, and they will align with our IT team to help you get this done.
ARE YOUR PRICE TAX INCLUSIVE?No, All prices mentioned on the website and or quoted by our sales team, or any team member needs government taxes and levies to be paid separately. Currently in India, the Government Levy is Goods & Service Tax (GST) charged at 18%
CAN I USE THE DESKER ADDRESS?Yes, you can use the DESKER Address (For the Location you are a Member of) on your Visiting Cards and Letter Heads. While we do not charge for this service, you should inform your community manager of the same. We also offer Registration services, Mail Handling and Other Services – Talk to our Community Team for knowing more on this.
WILL YOU RECEIVE MY LETTER PACAKEGES AND FOOD DELIVERYYes we do, we will receive all your letters , parcels, and food deliveries. However you are required to quote you’re your office name or seat number or both for all your deliveries .once we receive a parcel , letter or food delivery , you will receive an sms or receive a phone call from the front desk. ( FOR PLATINUM MEMBERS ONLY)
IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET A SEPARATE INTERNET LINE FOR MY TEAM?Yes it is possible, however it is chargeable
IS IT POSSIBLE TO STORE MY DATA AT DESKER?Yes it’s possible at all our centers, and comes at a charge that our community managers can discuss.
CAN I INVITE MY FRIENDS COLLEGUES FOR A MEETING?All your guest need to be signed in and verified at the front desk before entering to coworking space. They are required to wear a visitor badge at all time for the safety and surety of your fellow members.
WHAT DOES FREE TECH SUPPORT MEAN?DESKER being backed by an Information technology company provides us with resources and on-site tech support personnel. They can help you remove viruses from your computer, or answer any question you may have related to technology. In case you are looking at building an App and or Discussing Database strategies, some of our team leaders are also available for a consult. Our Tech Support Team can also help you with Upgrades, Purchases and any other Information Technology needs you may have. While Support comes included in your services, other things maybe charged separately.
DO YOU CHARGE FOR A SECURITY DEPOSIT?No! There aren't any deposits. Our daily, weekly and monthly plans provide you with the stability of a space along with the flexibility you need.
IS THERE A LOCK-IN TO YOUR SERVICES?It depends on your tenure, package, cabin/seats and level of customization.
DOES DESKER OFFER A REFFERAL DISCOUNT?Yes, we offer you a 10% Discount on your Month’s Fee in the month your referral joins DESKER, and your Referral also gets a 10% Discount. That is a Whopping 20% saving for both of you put together.
IS THERE ADVANCE BOOKING FOR A MEETING ROOM?Our Locations have several Meeting Rooms, from 4 People to 40 People. We request that you make an advance booking using our Booking manager before you use the Room as at the last moment the rooms may not be available. This is also advisable in case you are booking a Meeting Room in a location that is not your home location.
WHAT HAPPENED IF I EXCEED MY QUOTA OF MEETING HOURS?For upto 20% higher usage than your Quota, DESKER does not charge you for Meeting Rooms. Any usage over and above the 20% of your allotted Quota is chargeable depending on the Room Tariff of the type of Room you are using.
CAN I JOIN MIDDLE OF THE MONTH ? HOW DOES MY INVOICING WORK?We are happy to have you join on any specific dates. Our billing is done on a Month-to-Month basis, and your Joining date will define your Billing start. In case you need Billing for a Specific Period or a Pro-Rate Basis, our Accounts team will help you out getting this setup.
IS THERE ANY FACILITY TO PICKUP AND DROP FROM NEAREST METRO?Desker CoWorking Spaces proud itself as a woman safe spaces and we do offer pickup and drop service from our nearest metro station , please inform your customer relationship manager when will you be required this service
I WANT TO PROVIDE MY FEEDBACK, HOW DO I DO THAT?"We pride ourselves in our customer support and feedback . your constant feedback help us to improve ourselves. If you have any complaint you can generate a complaint through member login portal. Or you can speaks directly to your CRM for any queries.

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