We have followed The World Healh Organization'ssafety and COVID-19 protocols, Hygiene standards and cleanliness regimes are carefully followed and formulated to ensure a COVID free working experience.

We take daily fever checks of all our staff to ensure a safe atmosphere. All members & guests are also checked for entering the working space. Our designated checkpoints throughout the premises make sure that your environment is safe and infection free!

We have taken serious measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This includes installation of independent air conditioning units. These units have been fitted with an air purifier for further protection.
Breather air that is designated to you.

Touch Free sanitizer dispensers after every few meters makes sure your hands are clean and safe.

Constant staff workshops and training modules have been developed on how to keep you and your team safe.

We have made it mandatory for our staff to wear N95 masks, Gloves & Face shields at all times no matter what.

We love you but we’re not going to be showing you any love! Your safety is the biggest priority! 6 feet distance at all times.

We love your face but we love your health even more. Mandatory face masks while in the premises for all members and guests.

Constant sensitization of heavy touch areas. We have a proper and stringent working schedule that makes sure your hands are clean always.

No individual (client,guest or staff) will be allowed to enter the premises without utilizing the sanitation walkway. This ensure any viral particles are eliminated at the source before entry.

We have made it mandatory for all staff members to have the Aarogya Setu app installed on their personal devices at all times.

A vending machine designed to store sanitizers, N95 masks, disinfectant sprays you name it! We at Desker CoWorking keeping you healthy, wealthy & wise!